Over5 is a c64/vic20 < - > Amiga/Pc/Unix-box transferring program.
It supports serial transfer at 38400 bps using only a RS-232 level
converter (like the VIC-1011A RS232C or the Handic V24 interface) and
a 3-line standard nullmodem cable. NO special serialport chips needed!
Among the features are:
- read/write/execute memory
- filecopy with wildcards
- read/write raw disk
- read/write ZIPCODE archive
- the Amiga/Pc/Unix-box as harddisk server (supports load/save $0801-$f600)
- builtin diskturbo: file/format/track
- timeout handling on both cbm and Amiga/Pc/Unix-box
- fast basic bootstrap for most cbm 8-bitters
- source code included
Over5 is written and maintained by Daniel Kahlin.
Linux port and Track read/write routine by Andreas Andersson.
Win32 port by Martin Sikström.
Over5 logo on this page by Patrik Wallström.
Linux/Unix/Win32 version (development):
- over5-20021117.tar.gz - Over5 snapshot distribution (development).
(Windows binaries: over5-20021117-win32.zip)
This is a long due release of many improvements.
- The code now has autoconf support, works on atleast Unix systems and Win32 systems (using MinGW32).
- The Amiga code has been removed from the source tree.
- Memslave is now runtime relocatable and has the option to install a reset server.
- Vic20 fastrs is now runtime relocatable making it work under any memory configuration.
- The bug that prevented SIMPLEREAD working on Win32 systems has been fixed.
- The bug that required the current directory to be writeable when running over5 in server mode has been fixed.
- Major clean up with completely new directory structure!
- Experimental kernal patches are included (serfile and memslave in kernal).
- Added a description on how to build an interface.
NOTE: This is a development version, so some things may be incomplete/broken. If you encounter problems with the c64/vic20 programs you may try to use the c64/vic20 programs from the 0.711 release together with this release. (they use the same protocol)
Linux/Unix version (stable):
NOTE: Some things (mainly over5 server ) only work with filenames consisting of capitals.
Windows version (stable):
- Over5_0_711_win32.zip - Over5 0.711 Windows95/98/NT distribution. (Win32 port by Martin Sikström)
Martin has also done excellent work on reverse engineering the Expert Cartridge on Martin's C64 Pages.
Amiga version (stable):
Similar tools:
Over5 is targetted for the plain c64, c128 in c64 mode and vic20 only. It additionally requires (and supports) only a user port serial adapter and a null modem cable.
If you have many extras for your Commodore computer like, SuperCPU, REU,
non 1541/1571 compatible floppy drive, or if you want to use a different
kind of cable that you already have lying around, then you might want to
look at these utilities instead:
A transfer tool which supports the newly designed c2n232 interface, a wide variety
of parallel cables (limited RS-232 support, does not yet support SwiftLink) and
all Commodore computers you can think of. Written by Marko Mäkelä. (Based on prlink by Marko Mäkelä and Olaf Seibert)
Serial Slave:
A tool to run your PC as a harddisk server for your Commodore (similar to the SerFile function of Over5). It supposedly works with an REU and/or SuperCPU. It requires you to have a SwiftLink, Turbo232, Silver Surfer or similar cartridge. Written by Per Olofsson.
Jeff's 1581 Emulator Project:
This project is a software modification of Over5
to provide an interface for "c1541" allowing you to use a
linux box w/floppy drive as a 1581 device with your 64/128. Modifications written by Jeff Ledger.
Useful cross tools:
Additional documentation and tools can be found at http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/, and http://www.fairlight.to/, among others...
Mail comments, suggestions and bug reports to <daniel kahlin net>